What is a Coordinated Entry System?
A Coordinated Entry System is a network of service providers that help individuals, families with children, couples, & households with finding employment or other services to secure and sustain housing.
The providers in the network must follow a standard, fair, and equal Coordinated Entry Process to connect all households to available services in the region. |
Where can I access Services?
Due to limited availability of resources, the services agencies cannot guarantee assistance and connection to services in a quick time frame.
All providers in the region direct callers to the Housing Crisis Hotline for services.
All providers in the region direct callers to the Housing Crisis Hotline for services.
All providers in the region direct callers to the Housing Crisis Hotline for services.
Regional Number: (757) 587-4202
Portsmouth: (757) 966-2107
Virginia Beach: (757) 227-5932
Toll Free: 1(866) 750-4431
Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m.- 7:00 p.m.
* The Housing Crisis Hotline does not provide any direct financial assistance.*
** Some cities may have separate numbers that direct to the same Housing Crisis Hotline center at ForKids, Inc. **
***Resources are limited - Assistance is not guaranteed***
Access Points (physically seeking services, location, offering walk up services, hours of operation)
Avalon (Persons Fleeing Domestic violence)
Four Oaks Day Service Center
Address: 7401 Warwick Blvd, Newport News, VA 23607 Walk-Up Hours: Open seven days a week 7:00 am - 4:00 pm (Extended hours during PORT winter shelter season) Hampton – Newport News Community Services Board Outreach Walk In Wednesday Address and Hours: 2712 Washington Ave Newport News, VA 23607 from 9:00 am - 12:00 pm. and 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm. Outreach Address and Hours: Four Oaks Day Center 7401 Warwick Blvd, Newport News, VA. Mondays 9:00 am - 12:00 pm and Thursday 9:00 am - 12:00 pm. LGBT Life Center
Access Points (physically seeking services, location, offering walk up services, hours of operation)
Norfolk Community Services Board Walk-In Office Hours Every Tuesday 8:00 am to 12:00 pm Norfolk Family Justice Center Address: 606 W. 29th St, Norfolk VA Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m.- 4:00 p.m. Union Mission Shelter 5100 E. VA Beach Blvd Single Men: (757)627-8686, M-F: 9am-2pm Call/walk-in for shelter screening/availability Single Women: (757)623-0642 M-F 8:30am- 2pm Call/walk-in for shelter screening/availability YWCA of Southampton Roads (Persons Fleeing Domestic Violence) YWCA Crisis Hotline (24/7) at (757) 251-0144 |
The service providers below specialize working with community members who are experiencing homeless and may be eligible for programs to meet the specific needs of those populations.
Families: (Households with minor children)
SVHC: ForKids Inc.
Veterans (Veterans having served the United States Military)
Regional: Hampton VA Medical Center, Virginia Beach Community Development Corporation, Virginia Veterans & Family Support
GVPHC: Hampton Roads Community Action Program
Youth: (Unaccompanied youth between the ages of 18 -24)
GVPHC: Bacon Street Youth and Family Services
SVHC: Seton Youth Shelter
Domestic Violence: (Fleeing domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, or other dangerous or life-threatening conditions (including human trafficking)
GVPHC: Avalon, Transitions Family Violence Center
SVHC: HER Shelter, YWCA South Hampton Roads, The Genieve Shelter
What housing programs are available?
A program funded to assist households that are at Imminent Risk of becoming homeless. Households are screened by Access Points for consideration when Homeless Prevention Program vacancies arise. Prevention program screening does not guarantee assistance.
- Households facing eviction within the next 14 days,
- Households asked to leave a family or friends house within 14 days,
- Households being discharged from a hospital or jail,
- Households living in hotel/motel that can no longer pay the nightly rate,
- Households residing in condemned housing.
A program funded to provide safe overnight accommodations for persons experiencing a housing crisis. Persons or families sleeping outside, in a vehicle, or other places unsuitable for living will be considered for shelter placement before those at risk of becoming homeless. Households are screened by Access Points for consideration when shelter vacancies arise. Shelter screening does not guarantee placement.
Persons fleeing domestic violence that are in imminent danger may be placed into special survivor shelter programs. If you are fleeing domestic violence please call one of the numbers below to be screened for shelter placement. Shelter screening does not guarantee placement.
Persons fleeing domestic violence that are in imminent danger may be placed into special survivor shelter programs. If you are fleeing domestic violence please call one of the numbers below to be screened for shelter placement. Shelter screening does not guarantee placement.
A program funded to provide supportive services with temporary accommodation to bridge the household from homelessness to permanent housing.
- Persons that are literally homeless (sleeping in emergency shelters or outside) are eligible for this assistance. Anyone can enter program regardless of current income, gaining income during program tenure is necessary for successful graduation from Transitional Housing.
A program funded to provide short-term rental assistance and additional services.
- Persons that are literally homeless (sleeping in emergency shelters or outside) are eligible for this assistance.
A program funded to provide extra supportive services with affordable housing assistance for persons or families with disabling conditions and long homeless histories.
- Persons that are literally homeless (sleeping in emergency shelters or outside) are eligible for this assistance.
- Documented Disability
- Length of Time Homeless is greater than or equal to one year (12 months).
- This can be one consecutive year OR 12 months of homelessness over a 3 year period broken into at least 4 episodes of homelessness.
What is HMIS?
A Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) is a database used to collect client-level data on the provision of housing and services to individuals and families experiencing and at risk of homelessness. Aggregate and specific data from the HMIS are used by local, state, and federal policymakers to inform decisions around homeless service provision. The Greater Virginia Peninsula Homeless Consortium (GVPHC), the Southeastern Virginia Homeless Coalition (SVHC), the city of Virginia Beach Continuum of Care (CoC), the city of Portsmouth CoC, and the Central Virginia CoC have merged their HMIS databases, creating the Hampton Roads HMIS. HMIS is the repository for client level data. HMIS data can be reported for individual agencies; across an entire CoC; or for specific project types, such as Coordinated Entry, Emergency Shelter, Transitional Housing, or Permanent Housing programs. HMIS data help identify gaps in services and offer a better understanding of the needs of the service population. Participation is required for federally and state funded homeless service providers; other providers voluntarily participate. How is data collected and how is it used?
Data is collected by service provider agencies for the reasons that are discussed in their respective Privacy Practices. Some personal information is collected as it is required by law or by organizations that provide money to operate the program(s). Other personal information is collected to improve services for homeless persons, and to better understand the needs of homeless persons. Generally, data is used to provide services and for administrative operations. |
What is a Release of Information
Data is shared within the Hampton Roads HMIS upon verbal or written consent from a client (or parent/legal guardian for clients under the age of 18). The nature of the specific data that is shared may differ for each provider.Homeless Definitions
HUD utilizes the following four definitions of homelessness: |
what is a grievance?
You have a right to express any complaint you may have with either the program staff or activities where you are being served AND/OR with the Continuum of Care processes through a formal grievance procedure.
Housing Program Grievances are those related to a program participant’s experience(s) with a specific homeless housing program, its staff and/or an eligibility decision.
Continuum of Care Grievances are those related to Coordinated Entry policies and/or procedures.
Housing Program Grievances are those related to a program participant’s experience(s) with a specific homeless housing program, its staff and/or an eligibility decision.
Continuum of Care Grievances are those related to Coordinated Entry policies and/or procedures.
Where do i submit my grievance?
Please see below to ensure you are directing your grievance to the appropriate point of contact.
Housing Program Grievances- For example, if you are staying at a shelter and disagree with an activity or staff member at the shelter, you would follow the
grievance procedure provided to you by that agency. Additionally, if you are told by an agency you are not eligible for their program, you would follow their grievance policy if you disagree with that decision. Please contact the agency directly and follow their established Grievance Policy and Procedures.
Continuum of Care Grievances - Common examples would include an outreach worker or hotline staff member refusing to refer you to services when requested, failure of a provider to assess you for housing assistance, or declining to serve you because you lack income. Continuum of Care grievances must be submitted in writing. Please direct your grievance to the appropriate Continuum of Care in accordance to their policies and procedures.
Housing Program Grievances- For example, if you are staying at a shelter and disagree with an activity or staff member at the shelter, you would follow the
grievance procedure provided to you by that agency. Additionally, if you are told by an agency you are not eligible for their program, you would follow their grievance policy if you disagree with that decision. Please contact the agency directly and follow their established Grievance Policy and Procedures.
Continuum of Care Grievances - Common examples would include an outreach worker or hotline staff member refusing to refer you to services when requested, failure of a provider to assess you for housing assistance, or declining to serve you because you lack income. Continuum of Care grievances must be submitted in writing. Please direct your grievance to the appropriate Continuum of Care in accordance to their policies and procedures.
SVHC Continuum of Care (Norfolk, chesapeake, Suffolk, Franklin, isle of wight County & southampton county) Grievance form
GVPHC Continuum of Care (Hampton, Newport News, Poquoson, Williamsburg, james City county, & york county) Grievance Form