GVPHC Coordinated Entry System
What is Coordinated Entry?
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) defines the coordinated entry process as an approach to coordination and management of a crisis response system's resources that allows users to make consistent decisions from available information to efficiently and effectively connect people to interventions that will rapidly end their homelessness.
The GVPHC operates a multisite centralized access Coordinated Entry System (CES). The CoC has designated Access Points that connect households experiencing a housing crisis to the CES. Households are then connected to Assessment Points where a standard questionnaire is taken to determine the households strengths and service needs. The GVPHC incorporates a case conferencing meeting into the CES. The case conferencing committee assists with connecting households to the most appropriate housing solution, as well as any other supportive services. |
Vulnerability Index
Single Adults
Households with Children